
要做一个乐观的人 做一个乐观的人英语演讲稿篇一



precious is so undereducated that she can not read and write formally. what’s worse, she is usually knocked around by her irascible mother. worst of all, she is sexually assaulted by her stepfather and has two children before the age of seventeen. owing to the situation she gets involved, she has to leave school and is introduced to alternative school. after waging many struggles and overcoming many difficulties, she finds the goals of life again with the help of her teacher and classmates.


in the film, precious insists on keeping her children all the time though she gets involved in trouble. she has a firm belief that she can get rid of the past life and start the new one and she really makes it finally. her insistence tells me that keeping positive and optimistic would make a great contribution to achieve dream.


in life, many people are easy to feel frustrated by meeting a bit of setback. as far as i am concerned, we need to learn to keep positive and optimistic when facing difficulties so that we have more power to keep and pursue our dreams.


要做一个乐观的人 做一个乐观的人英语演讲稿篇二

in our daily life, we can experience various kinds of things, including good ones as well as bad ones. if we are optimistic about our life, we can still benefit from the bad things.


five years ago, i went to have a piano test. unfortunately, the teacher who was to carry out the test was a very strict man. seeing that many students had failed in the test,i felt very nervous and didn’t know whether i could pass it or not.


after a while, my name was called. i suddenly realized that this was a very precious chance to test my real performing skills and i might as well make full use of it to show my ability. much to my surprise, the teacher was very satisfied with my performance and gave me a high mark.


through this experience, i understand no matter what we face, we should try our best to deal with it with positive attitude. as long as we believe ourselves, we’re sure to succeed in the end.


要做一个乐观的人 做一个乐观的人英语演讲稿篇三

the life of people and countless setbacks are inevitable. nietzsche said, we have no right to be pessimistic. frustration can be relaxed, without setbacks to enlarge. some small things make you very pessimistic. so life isn"t occupied by pain?

in the face of setbacks, anita mui chose to continue struggle, while leslie cheung chose suicide. encountered setbacks, the choice of summing up experience, continue to forge ahead? or indulge in frustration and pain, inextricably bogged down in? many history and experience tell us: frustration is inevitable, you must learn lessons, correct shortcomings, make up for deficiencies, and enhance self-confidence, you can succeed. on the contrary, it will fall forever. you must calm down and face the frustrations of life with an ordinary and optimistic heart.

everyone will succeed, success will bring happiness, frustration will bring pain. in the face of setbacks, some people worry, some people look forward to tomorrow, people have lost forever lost, some people get lost again as. frustration is coming, it means that you want to test. several actors best show in 2005 the spring festival gala "avalokitesvara", they are deaf. but they didn"t become pessimistic because of their own physical defects, but they worked harder, and finally achieved success at the spring festival gala.

"avalokitesvara" the actor is not deaf? small zhouzhou not artist has the congenital defect? they were unlucky in life on the road "tsunami", but by virtue of their firm and indomitable spirit and indomitable indomitable will, not only did not flinch, but also did not give up, carefully and patiently experience, rational and comprehensive lessons, and diligent efforts to build the new world of their own, and succeed.

there is such a person, his family was very wealthy, his father is a latifundistas. but when he was 7 years old, my motherland changes. the whole family fled to miami. in order to survive in a foreign country, he worked with his father when he was 15 years old. his life was bitter, but he always listened to his father"s instruction: whatever he wanted, he should be




要做一个乐观的人 做一个乐观的人英语演讲稿篇七

hi, welcome to our latest i ssue at faith radio online-simply to relax, i’m faith. i thank you for dropping by today, and i hope that you"re able to find something here that"s interesting, useful, and informative! today, i would like to share with you the motto for a positive outlook. take good care, and enjoy this i ssue!

refuse to be unhappy, be cheerful instead. refuse to let your troubles multiply, just take them one by one. organize your time, keep your life simple and exactly the way you want it.

refuse to complain about things, learn to improve your surroundings and create your world the way you believe it should be.

refuse to dwell on the mistakes or disappointments that are sometimes a part of life, instead learn how you can make things better.

be optimistic. be energetic and positive about the things you do, and always hope for the best.

you’re listening to faith radio online-simply to relax, i’m faith. believe in yourself at all times and in all aspects of your life. before you know it, those wonderful dreams you have believed in all your life will come true, and your life will be the happy and successful life that it was meant to be.

大家好,欢迎收听faith轻松电台的最新一期节目,我是faith。首先谢谢大家今天的到访,希望你们觉得我们的节目有意义,有价值,有知识性!今天,我想和大家一起分享一些积极人生座右铭, 希望你们喜欢!






要做一个乐观的人 做一个乐观的人英语演讲稿篇八

what is optimism? optimism is when you meet with difficulties, you will have the courage to face it. what is pessimistic? pessimism is when you meet problems, you can"t challenge head-on, will only like little puss-head, tightly in there, says you are a very timid person.

if you live with optimism, you will have a lot of friends, also can have good luck comes upon you. as long as with an optimistic attitude to face life, your life will step by step to rise again, the future will certainly be like big stars send out light. as i am optimistic person, so there are a lot of good friends to accompany me around.

be careful! some students always with pessimistic mood in the face of all things, as long as they unwilling or in a bad mood, drop by drop tears, really upset people. facing the challenges of life, if you are a optimistic person, what would you do? if you are a pessimist, how would you solve? because i am a optimistic person, i would say, "ok! you can do better next time." but if i am a pessimistic person, may be a is a sign of weakness.

i think optimism and pessimism is a picture of life on paper, and we can help you with all the colors of the colorful life in different patterns. as long as have an optimistic attitude, can let me have a happy mood, brave to face all kinds of difficulties.



小心了!有些同学总以悲观的心情面对所有事物,他们只要不甘心或心情不好,都一滴一滴地流下眼泪,真是让人懊恼。面临人生的各种挑战,如果你是乐观的人,你会怎么做?如果你是悲观的人,你会怎么解决?因为我是乐观的人,我会说:“没关系!下次可以做得更好。”但如果我是悲观的人,可能会一 蹶不振。

